About me...

Hello, I'm Hannah and my love of photography began aged 16 when I signed up to an evening course and was hooked by the magic of developing my own pictures in a darkroom. Fast forward several years and I was lucky to enjoy a wonderful career as a Photography Director in the magazine and newspaper industry including a 10 year role at Conde Nast International. My work involved photographing editorial pages, sourcing imagery, art directing cover shoots and commissioning some of the UK's top photographers across news, travel and celebrities. Titles I have worked for include the Sunday Times, Vogue Japan, Glamour and GQ. I have also been privileged to be selected as a member of the adjudicating panel for the Canon Ambassador Programme. Launched in 2017 this brings together some of the world's best photographers who all share their passion for visual storytelling.
Having my own family has led me to a new, more local venture and I have been teaching children photography in schools since 2017. I love sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm with the next generation of budding photographers, watching their imaginations flourish and confidence grow.

Six reasons to learn photography!
Photographers educate and enlighten us by capturing the world's biggest stories from the drama of the first moon landing to the beauty of Africa's annual wildebeest migration. The smaller everyday stories can be just as important. You are never too young to pick up a camera and here are some reasons why:
Photography inspires creativity, self-expression, curiosity and independence.
Photography encourages you to get outside in the fresh air nurturing both physical and mental health.
Just slowing down a bit to observe a hazy landscape or vibrant street scene and take a picture helps you to feel more connected with the world around you.
With technology changing at lightening speed photography is one of our most exciting modern art forms and is a great way to keep up with world of digital media.
Mastering a new technical skill encourages problem solving, resilience, confidence and real sense of achievement.
It's great fun and the list is endless really, give it a go!
Contact me...
email: Hannah@lightboxphotoclub.com
phone: 07870588545
or send me a message on the form below: